„Wiskór” is located in Ostróda, in the warmińsko-mazurskie district in Poland. We have been active for over 30 years, initially as a civil partnership and since year 2000 under sole ownership of Marek Wiśniewski. The company specializes in trade of cattle hides, both raw and salted. Skins are sourced solely form Polish slaughter houses and meat processing plants. The company is supervised by a veterinary on a permanent basis. We own two large air-conditioned warehouses from which hide deliveries are sent.
After salting the skins are arranged on pallets and stored in conditions conducive to future processing in careful consideration of our customers requirements. Due to the company’s successful growth and large quantity of produce purchases we built two air-conditioned warehouses, in which a temperature between 0-2C is permanently kept. One of the warehouses was built out of own funds, the other was subsidised by the Wamińsko-Mazurska Regional Development Agency. At present we can store up to 3000 hides on euro hooks. An established market position has been built by reliability, high quality of the produce and timely financial dealings. The produce is valued both by local customers and business partners across Europe and Asia.
timely payments